Research Projects

The Research Department publishes the results of research projects by groups and individuals.

Supradisciplinary Asian Studies Division

The Map of East Asia [Dai Min chiri no zu] donated by Prof. Hosoya Yoshio.

Inter-Asia Research Networks

Development and Inheritance of Inter-Asian Studies Database


Contemporary Chinese Studies Group

A Comprehensive Study of Contemporary China (6)


The site of the Cinema Rex arson attack in Abadan (August 19, 1978), a turning point in the course of the Iranian Revolution; photo taken February 11, 2023, the 44th anniversary of the revolution.

Contemporary Islamic Studies Group

Political and Social Histories in the Digital Data in Contemporary Middle East and Central Asia


East Asian Studies Division

Members of the research group standing on the plateau on the east side of the Jinmenwu site on the south bank of the Luo River (Luo Shui, now Luo He) during the field survey (Toyo kenbunroku, vol. 32, 2021).

Premodern Chinese Studies Group

Reinvestigation of Annotations to the Shuijingzhu and an Examination of the Qin-Han Bamboo and Wooden Slips


Ancient Tombs in Gyo-dong, Changnyeong (South Gyeongsang Province, ROK)

Premodern Chinese Studies Group

Archaeological Studies of Remains and Artifacts at Ancient and Medieval Sites in East Asia


Group members (Toyo kenbunroku, vol. 23, 2019)

Premodern Chinese Studies Group

Constructing the Thesaurus of Chinese Socio-economic and Grassroots Society Terms


Past publications of the research group

Premodern Chinese Studies Group

Elucidating the Structure of Law and Society in Early Modern China


Discovery of North China (2013)

Modern Chinese Studies Group

A Comprehensive Study of China Research Institutes in 20th-Century Japan


Seoul City in Kim Jeong-ho, Territorial Map of the Great East [Daedong yeojido] (Woodblock print, 1861, held by Toyo Bunko).

Northeastern Asian Studies Group

Construction of a Fundamental Database of Early Modern Korean Research Materials


Site of West Yehe Castle (Shincho no shiseki o megutte, vol. 1, Shincho zendo hen).

Northeastern Asian Studies Group

A Study on the Qing Archival Materials and on Compilation of Database of Materials Collected in China and Russia


Tanmiao jisi jieci

Northeastern Asian Studies Group

Structural Analysis of East and Northeast Asia in the Qing Period: Politics, Economy, Rituals, and Culture


Kachofugetsu [flower-bird-wind-moon, or beauties of nature] (an Nara picture book)

Japanese Studies Group

Bibliographical Research on the Rare Books in the Iwasaki Collection (6)


Inner Asian Studies Division

From the jacket of the Catalogue of the Old Uyghur Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, vol. 1.

Central Asian Studies Group

A Study of Central Eurasian Literature Written in Non-Chinese Characters


Inside cover of the journal Āyna (“mirror”), no. 1 (Samarkand, September 3, 1913). The publication of the first issue coincided with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan that year, and the celebratory phrase was noted at the top.

Central Asian Studies Group

Collection and Study of Central Eurasian Periodicals Published from the End of the 19th to the Beginning of the 20th Century


Tojin zassho, the Dunhuang documents donated by Prof. Ikeda On.

Central Asian Studies Group

The Construction of
the Database of Dunhuang and
Turfan Documents in Japanese Institutions and Its International Dissemination


Front cover of the Tibetan Buddhist canon brought back by Kawaguchi Ekai

Tibetan Studies Group

Construction of a Research Database of Tibetan Language Materials and Inheritance of Tibetan Culture


Indian and Southeast Asian Studies Division

Banavasi inscription of Mrigeshavarma from the senior line of the Kadamba dynasty (Sanskrit, late 5th century)

Indian Studies Group

A Study of Literary Sources in Ancient to Early Modern India


Merchants of Banten depicted in Willem Lodewijcksz, Premier livre de l'histoire de la navigation aux Indes orientales, par les Hollandois, et des choses a eux advenues (Amsterdam: Cornille Nicolas, 1609).

Southeast Asian Studies Group

A Study of Historical Travelogues on Late Early Modern Southeast Asia


West Asian Studies Division

Vellum document No. 5: Sales contract of an olive oil pressing factory in Fes, Morocco (1670–1722), 74×59 cm.

West Asian Studies Group

Comparative Study of Social Institutions and Archival Source Database


Source Material Studies Division

Girls parade (Piaose) by Hailufeng people.

East Asian Source Material Studies Group

Research on East Asian Folk Performing Arts Materials


Projects funded by JSPS Kakenhi and others

The Original and Collated Texts Database of the Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo.

KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

Establishment of a philological research platform for Chinese Buddhist Canons: Utilization and expansion of the Original and Collated Texts Database of the Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo (21H04345)


Historical Materials of the Meiji Restoration [Dai Nihon Ishin shiryo]: Ii Clan, vol. 29, compiled by the Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo (2016).

KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

Reconstructing Early Modern Japanese Historiography - Through the Formation of a Multifaceted Usage Environment for Core Historical Documents and Social Collaboration (22H00692)(23K21964)


Lion statue (left) at the Harvard-Yenching Institute.

KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)



Scene of Nezha's rebirth as incarnation of the lotus flower (Taitung Tianhou Temple)

KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

