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- Seminars and Symposiums
Seminars and Symposiums
In addition to the Oriental Studies Lecture Series, Toyo Bunko makes some aspects of its research available to the general public at various lectures and talks. Toyo Bunko also holds seminars and symposiums with foreign scholars on the results of specialized research conducted by the research groups.
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
Lectures on Chinese Calligraphy
- Date of the event:
10:00–15:00 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
International Symposium Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Toyo Bunko
“Accumulation of Asian Knowledge and East-West Exchange”- Date of the event:
2024/11/16–17 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
Prussian Blue in East Asian Paintings
- Date of the event:
15:00–16:30 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Date of the event:
13:00~17:50 - Location:対面/オンライン。要事前登録[6月15日(土)まで]
- Fee:無料
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Date of the event:
15:30~17:00 - Location:オンライン
- Fee:無料
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Date of the event:
, 2024/04/07 - Location:東洋文庫2階講演室(対面のみ)
- Fee:無料
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Date of the event:
10:30~14:30 - Location:東洋文庫7階大会議室(対面+オンライン)
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
「敦煌・吐魯番研究の最前線:その伝統と革新」- Date of the event:
, 2024/03/03
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
On the margins and at the heart of empire: the life and world of Charles Percival ArcherProfessor Robert Bickers
- Date of the event:
15:00~17:00 - Location:東洋文庫2階講演室(オンライン併用)
- Fee:無料
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
From Asakusa to Bursa: The Mystery of the Tortoise Charmer
(「浅草からブルサへ:”亀使い”の謎」)エドヘム・エルデム Edhem Eldem(ボアジチ大学教授)
- Date of the event:
15:30~17:00 - Location:東洋文庫2階講演室
- Fee:無料
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Location:対面
- Fee:参加費無料(入館料が別途かかります)
Search for library materials
You can search by the title of the book or by the name of the author or editor as well as by various bibliographic data.
Digital repository for publications and research results.
Toyo Bunko Media Repository
Digital repository for images.
Kanseki Database
Integrated database for Toyo Bunko’s collection of traditional Chinese books
Toyo Bunko OPAC
This is Toyo Bunko’s new online public catalogue which is linked to the CiNii Books national catalogue maintained by the National Institute for Informatics (NII). We are now in the process of registering books in our collection, and when this process is completed all of the books in the Toyo Bunko collection, with the exception of traditional Chinese books (Kanseki) will be included. (The new catalogue is scheduled for completion in 2028). In the meantime, when searching for books users should use the new catalogue in combination with the existing online search system.