From Research Director


Research Department Head


Hamashita Takeshi was born in 1943. He is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo. His research interests are in the history of East Asia in the modern period and economic history. In 1991 he received the Asia-Pacific Prize, given by the Asian Affairs Research Council. In 2006 he received the Fukuoka Prize for research in Asian culture (福岡アジア文化賞), and in 2017 he was named as a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts & Science. Among his major works are Modern China’s International Opportunities—the Chinese Tribute System and Modern Asia (近代中国の国際的契機――朝貢貿易システムと近代アジア) 1990 and Overseas Chinese and their Networks— Structure and Development of Migration, Trade, and Remittance Networks (華僑・華人と中華網――移民・交易・送金ネットワークの構造と展開) 2000. He has been Director of Research at Toyo Bunko since 2012.