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- Research
Toyo Bunko is engaged in the studies of basic research resources using rare book materials and local language materials on Asia with the aim of contributing to the advancement of Asian studies around the world, and disseminating research results.
- Research
Open for registration: Toyo Bunko 100th Anniversary Lecture Series #6
- Research
NIHU Bibliographical Database of Islamic and Middle East Studies in Japan Updated
- Research
NIHU Bibliographical Database of Islamic and Middle East Studies in Japan Updated
- Research
NIHU Bibliographical Database of Islamic and Middle East Studies in Japan Updated
- Research
NIHU Bibliographical Database of Islamic and Middle East Studies in Japan Updated
- Research
- Press Release
Renewal of Cooperation Agreement with EFEO
- Research
International Symposium Held to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary
Toyo Bunko is engaged in the studies of basic research resources using rare book materials and local language materials on Asia with the aim of contributing to the advancement of Asian studies around the world, and disseminating research results.
Toyo Bunko has systematically and continuously collected basic materials related to the history and cultural development of Asian regions for 100 years. The main objectives of our research projects are to organize these collected materials and make them available to researchers in Japan and abroad, as well as to promote extensive Asian studies based on these materials, thereby contributing greatly to the advancement of Asian studies around the world.
Past Research Projects
Research Department Head
Hamashita Takeshi was born in 1943. He is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo. His research interests are in the history of East Asia in the modern period and economic history. In 1991 he received the Asia-Pacific Prize, given by the Asian Affairs Research Council. In 2006 he received the Fukuoka Prize for research in Asian culture (福岡アジア文化賞), and in 2017 he was named as a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts & Science. Among his major works are Modern China’s International Opportunities—the Chinese Tribute System and Modern Asia (近代中国の国際的契機――朝貢貿易システムと近代アジア) 1990 and Overseas Chinese and their Networks— Structure and Development of Migration, Trade, and Remittance Networks (華僑・華人と中華網――移民・交易・送金ネットワークの構造と展開) 2000. He has been Director of Research at Toyo Bunko since 2012.
Welcome to the homepage of the Research Division of Toyo Bunko
Many scholars participate in the research activities of Toyo Bunko, using the methodologies of area studies to carry out research on the history, society and cultural affairs of countries all over Asia, a region that stretches from Japan in the East to the Middle East in the West, including also parts of northern Africa. Research groups—some organized by interest in a specific region, others by interest in a common theme—make use of a wide variety of materials including documentary archives, maps, photographs, and other visual materials in pursuing their research agendas.
The research division works together with the Library and the Exhibition divisions to preserve and make accessible the collections of valuable Asian historical materials in the collections of Toyo Bunko. The research groups have joined together in pursuing the common project of creating and opening to public access digitalized resources. (For more information on this project see: https://app.toyobunko-lab.jp/s/main/page/introduction). To realize our goal of promoting interest in Asia—both its history and the contemporary Asian world—we organize two public forums: a lecture series in Asian Studies, and public lectures sponsored by the Toyo Bunko Academy. Both series are open to members of the public as well as to those with more specialized academic interests. The research division and its various research groups actively engage in publishing. (https://toyo-bunko.or.jp/en/research/organization/)*
The research division also organizes a series of lectures for young researchers.** We also offer various employment opportunities to young researchers, including positions as “Special Project Research Fellows”, part-time employees, and contract employees. (https://toyo-bunko.or.jp/en/recruit/)
International collaboration efforts of the Research Division take two forms, those centered in the activities of research groups collaborating with individual scholars and research groups in other countries and regions interested in the same themes or areas, and Toyo Bunko-wide international exchanges with partner institutions overseas. Among those activities with overseas organizations, Toyo Bunko has an agreement with the Harvard Yenching Institute, and scholars associated with Toyo Bunko participate in HYI’s programs for visiting scholars and programs to develop young researchers.
*Toyo Bunko publications, including Toyo Gakuho, Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, Kenkyu Ronso, and other books and publications edited by the Research Division can be found in the digital archives of Toyo Bunko (https://toyo-bunko.repo.nii.ac.jp/). You can also find records of other public lectures given as part of the lecture series on Asian Studies and the Toyo Bunko Academy in the digital archives.
**The schedule for introductory lectures for young researchers can be found on the homepage of the Research Division.
Lectures and Symposiums
Twice each fiscal year, we hold an “Oriental Studies Lecture Series” to disseminate our research findings to the public.
International symposiums are held every year, inviting overseas researchers for active academic exchange.
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
Lectures on Chinese Calligraphy
- Date of the event:
10:00–15:00 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
International Symposium Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Toyo Bunko
“Accumulation of Asian Knowledge and East-West Exchange”- Date of the event:
2024/11/16–17 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
Prussian Blue in East Asian Paintings
- Date of the event:
15:00–16:30 - Location:Onsite (Toyo Bunko 2F Lecture Room)/Online
- Fee:Free
- Seminars and Symposiums
Enrollment has ended
- Date of the event:
13:00~17:50 - Location:対面/オンライン。要事前登録[6月15日(土)まで]
- Fee:無料
Search for library materials
You can search by the title of the book or by the name of the author or editor as well as by various bibliographic data.
Digital repository for publications and research results.
Toyo Bunko Media Repository
Digital repository for images.
Kanseki Database
Integrated database for Toyo Bunko’s collection of traditional Chinese books
Toyo Bunko OPAC
This is Toyo Bunko’s new online public catalogue which is linked to the CiNii Books national catalogue maintained by the National Institute for Informatics (NII). We are now in the process of registering books in our collection, and when this process is completed all of the books in the Toyo Bunko collection, with the exception of traditional Chinese books (Kanseki) will be included. (The new catalogue is scheduled for completion in 2028). In the meantime, when searching for books users should use the new catalogue in combination with the existing online search system.