Rare Book Classification

(This list is arranged by category, and provides a guide to call numbers for the items.)

Updated on February 27, 2023

Class Materials Call Marks
Rare Books (貴) Iwasaki Collection Call numbers that begin with numbers in Kanji numerals. There are also some books whose Call numbers begin with Roman Alphabet
Morrison Collection This includes items that are searchable in the Morrison Library Database
Morrison Pamphlet Collection This includes items beginning with the Call Number “P” and followed by Roman Alphabet, for example P-III-a-20
Western books Call numbers beginning with “O”, “MS”, “T-O”, “Y-O”
Traditional Chinese books Call numbers beginning with “XI”
Etchings Call numbers beginning with “E”
A part of Enoki Collection Items whose Call numbers begin with “E” followed by the Japanese decimal classification number, for example E-204.12/ミヤ 01/0001
Umehara Archaeological Materials
Palm-leaf manuscripts This includes Tibetan Tripitaka and Mongol Tripitaka
Other materials designated as rare books by Toyo Bunko
Special Rare Books National Treasures, Important Cultural Properties, and equivalent materials
  • *In the online catalog, the rare books are marked “貴 (rare).” Some bibliographic databases do not display this mark.
  • *Depending on the condition of the material, we may refuse requests.