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- Central Asian Studies Group
Central Asian Studies Group
The weekly journal Terciman (“translator”) (Bakhchysarai, 1883–1918).
Research Themes
Collection and Study of Central Eurasian Periodicals Published from the End of the 19th to the Beginning of the 20th Century
Research Outline
Research Team Members
- Leader: Komatsu Hisao
- Deputy Leader: Noda Jin
- Naganawa Norihiro, Shinmen Yasushi, Hamamoto Mami, Horikawa Toru, Shioya Akifumi, Sasaki Shin
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Toyo Bunko Media Repository
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Kanseki Database
Integrated database for Toyo Bunko’s collection of traditional Chinese books
Toyo Bunko OPAC
This is Toyo Bunko’s new online public catalogue which is linked to the CiNii Books national catalogue maintained by the National Institute for Informatics (NII). We are now in the process of registering books in our collection, and when this process is completed all of the books in the Toyo Bunko collection, with the exception of traditional Chinese books (Kanseki) will be included. (The new catalogue is scheduled for completion in 2028). In the meantime, when searching for books users should use the new catalogue in combination with the existing online search system.