These guidelines apply to visual images of the Toyo Bunko materials for use in publications, for TV and Web broadcasts, digital books, panels in exhibitions and reprints.
- Visual images may not be used without the explicit permission of Toyo Bunko.
- Those wishing to use images for any of the above reasons must make an application to use the materials and receive permission.
- In case of reprinting from a published work (including producing a new edition), you must make an application for permission to reprint.
- Please follow the regulations for making applications and gaining permission.
- It will take about one month to process the application for permission, so please plan accordingly.
Regulations regarding the use of visual images
- 1. Please do not use the visual images for other than the purpose stated in your application.
- 2. When using the images, please credit the images as follows: From the collection of the Toyo Bunko.
- 3. After receiving permission, please pay the required fees. Once the permission has been given, you cannot withdraw the request.
- 4. Do not change or distort the visual images.
- 5. Do not share the images without permission or make duplicates for other uses.
- 6. Please donate a copy of the publication with the visual image. (In the case of use in a catalogue please submit two copies, and for reprint editions, three copies).
- 7. In the case of TV broadcasts, etc. the permission for use of the image is for one year from the main broadcast. If there are rebroadcasts after the expiration of the one-year limit, please make a new application for use. If the broadcast is made available on an on-demand basis, there will be an additional charge.
For confirmation of the above guidelines and regulations, please check:
* Web, digital books, and other forms that are distributed digitally follow the guidelines for broadcasts.
* For requests to borrow items for exhibitions, please inquire directly with Toyo Bunko.
Charges for Use of Visual ImagesPage will open in a new window.
How to Contact:
E-mail: Through the contact form
Search for library materials
You can search by the title of the book or by the name of the author or editor as well as by various bibliographic data.
Digital repository for publications and research results.
Toyo Bunko Media Repository
Digital repository for images.
Kanseki Database
Integrated database for Toyo Bunko’s collection of traditional Chinese books
Toyo Bunko OPAC
This is Toyo Bunko’s new online public catalogue which is linked to the CiNii Books national catalogue maintained by the National Institute for Informatics (NII). We are now in the process of registering books in our collection, and when this process is completed all of the books in the Toyo Bunko collection, with the exception of traditional Chinese books (Kanseki) will be included. (The new catalogue is scheduled for completion in 2028). In the meantime, when searching for books users should use the new catalogue in combination with the existing online search system.