榎 一雄 ENOKI Kazuo(1913-1989) Biography
Scholar,Born in Kobe city. In 1955, Professor of Tokyo University.
He studied mainly Central Asia under guidance of Shiratori Kurakichi.
Besides this, he wrote several historical books about China and Japan.
In 1974,Director General of Toyo Bunko.
He has accumulated quite a collection of books.
He was related to amassing of distinctive materials of Toyo Bunko after WW2.
Such as documents unearthed from Dunhuang and Turfan,Middle Eastern Documents,the Jesuitas na Asia from the Biblioteca de Ajuda in Lisbon,etc.
In 1990. His bereaved donated his 30,000 books to Toyo Bunko.
Bibliograph Database
  Enoki Collection Database (Japanese)
  Enoki Collection NDC8 Topic Index Database (Japanese)
 List of People related to The Toyo Bunko
Left,Dr.Bobojon Ghafurov. Right,Dr.Enoki.