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  • Ronald A. Edwards教授講演会(2024年7月26日 15時~)
  • 研究会・学術シンポジウム

Ronald A. Edwards教授講演会
“China, Japan and the Rise of the West: Gunpowder, the Military, the State, Modernization and Unification”



日時 2024/07/26 15:00~16:30
演題 『Ronald A. Edwards教授講演会
“China, Japan and the Rise of the West: Gunpowder, the Military, the State, Modernization and Unification”』
講師 Prof. Ronald A. Edwards (Associate Professor of Economics, Tamkang University (Taiwan))
参加費 無料
使用言語 英語
報告概要 What caused China and Japan to discontinue their impressive gunpowder weapons innovations, which contributed to the Rise of the West? From the 14th century the West competed with itself and rapidly developed gunpowder weapons. China invented gunpowder and eventually developed explosive bombs and cannon. Japan adopted firearms and in the 16th century developed them rapidly. Part of the answer to how such a large military technological gap could appear between China/Japan and the West has to do with what caused China and Japan to discontinue their development. Here I analyze internal political institutions in proposing part of the answer.
参加申込み方法 下記申込フォームからご登録をお願いいたします(無料)。