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The Peculiar Business of Academic Publishing



日時 2024/09/05 15:00~16:30
演題 『東洋文庫100周年記念連続講演会(第3回)
The Peculiar Business of Academic Publishing』
講師 Dr. Paul H. Kratoska (Former Director, NUS Press)
参加費 無料
司会 濱下武志(東洋文庫研究員)
講演概要 Academic publishing straddles the worlds of scholarship and commerce. Between the 1980s and the 2020s what had been a low-key enterprise based on knowledge became an enormously profitable commercial activity. The reasons lie in technological developments in the printing and dissemination of knowledge, but also in the monetization of knowledge itself. While these changes have expanded access to knowledge, they contribute to a hegemony of Western academic publishers that shapes research agendas and disadvantages Asian scholars.
講演者について Paul Kratoska is a published scholar, a journal editor, and former director of the National University of Singapore Press. His research interests focus on Southeast Asia and include the Japanese Occupation, the history of rice cultivation, school history textbooks, and academic publishing. He is the author of The Japanese Occupation of Malaya (co-published by C. Hurst in London, the University of Hawaii Press, and Allen & Unwin) and currently edits the Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. He also conducts workshops on academic writing for international publication.
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